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Why this site?
Actually what prompted me to develop this page is my dog "Fred". Yes, you read correctly. Let me explain.
To buy a DVD movie in my region costs about per movie. Now this in itself is not a lot of money, but if you are like me buying most movies released for your collection you might start to understand. A lot of you are at this point thinking "Yeah, whatever" and/or "What dog and why?". Patience people... Here it is. Fred has a taste for something in the physical DVD's (maybe the coating) and that makes him ravage my place for them. The result is a lot of chewed up DVD movies. It does not help to lock the DVD's in a drawer or closet (if you have seen a Sankt Bernhad you'll get it). This is why I searched for a solution to everything on my hard drive (no, Fred does not touch it because of electrical shocks). The result you see in these pages. I also found that there are ways to compress a DVD file to less than half the original size. Now this is great since I am running out of storage space and I can't keep changing my HDD to larger ones (currently 3* 40 GB) . Maybe these files and solutions will work for you. Please read the legal page.

If you like your software posted on this site or linked to from this site please email me with your request and I will take it into consideration. Also, please let me know if there are some better ways of making legal copies.

Thanks for reading,

Calavaro 2000

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